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Create and market a successful online course from concept to clients, receive expert personal feedback and be held accountable until it's done, without being a tech genius or needing a bunch of fancy equipment.

Now enrolling for

November 20th 2021-Feb 20th 2022

You will learn step by step how to take a passion, an adversity you've overcome or a skill you have turn it into a polished digital program from start to finish, even if you have no idea what to create and you've never created a course before! We'll go through it from A to Z.

By The time you complete this course 

  • Author your very own professional online course!

  • Deliver outcome-driven lessons like a pro speaker and captivating storyteller

  • Design branding assets that look like you hired a graphics designer

  • Have the proven formulas for how to create any type of course and as many courses as you like
  • Write sales copy like a wordsmith that evokes emotion and makes clients want to buy from you

  • Have a powerful new income stream that duplicates your time and money in a way a job never could

  • Leverage social media as your very own soulful marketplace that becomes a free-flow of new, aligned clients

  • Know the secrets to generating maximum value yet using minimal amounts of your time

    A super fun, highly engaging, interactive, in depth, actionable, proven, course creation curriculum!

    • Streamlined Course Creation Process that tackles all major challenges

      • What platforms to use
      • Types of containers
      • Structuring lessons
      • Creating design assets
      • Delivering your content
      • Pricing and packaging
      • Building a landing page
      • Speaking on Video
      • Writing Marketing copy
      • Soulful Sales
      • What equipment to get
      • Leveraging social media
    •  Personal Feedback & Guidance

      I will look over your content to make sure it is dialled in for your audience and market and that it's written well and your videos are well presented.

      * higher levels of feedback available in Creator and Pro packages.
    •  40+ Video Lessons + *Live Lessons

      The course will be delivered through high quality, time-efficient, recorded videos, PDF's, Ebooks and quizzes in a gorgeous learning platform which you will have ongoing access to.

      *as well as weekly live video sessions through private Zoom links for Creator and Pro packages.

    •  Time-Efficient, Actionable-Learning

      I am known for delivering extremely practical, easy to implement lessons that save you time, money, frustration confusion and energy.

    •  Community & Tribe Experience

      Learn with others and go through this journey together as you interact, share feedback and inspire each other to create an incredible program out of your passions!

    •  Gorgeous Learning Platform 

      This course is presented in the most interactive, robust and fun learning platform I have ever come across. You are in for a treat!

    •  3 Incredible Guest Speaker Masterclasses

      Talented, super fun, high vibe, highly successful female entrepreneurs share their insider tricks, tools and techniques of how they built and scaled their online empires.

    Some love for Passions into Programs

    Write your awesome label here.

    Daniella: Psychologist & Energy Worker, Australia

    Some questions that often come up...

    I'm busy! Do I really need another course?

    I hear you. I know you're busy. The difference here is by the end you will have YOUR OWN course.

    It's one of THE BEST ways I know to duplicate both your time and your money.

    I've developed a streamlined, simplified way for you to build a substantial income while creating an awesome impact and I'd love to show you how.

    I don't have so many tech skills. Isn't it hard?

    Thankfully it's never been easier. Gone are the days of having to write code. 

    I'll walk you through user-friendly platforms where to get and how to use design assets, stock video and stock imagery as well as how to rapidly get it going.

    Why would people want to learn from me?

    People would much rather learn from someone a few steps ahead of them but still accessible. You don't need to be the glossy destination. People will pay you to be their bridge to save them money, time and effort to learn a skill or solve a problem.

    Why should I make an online course right now?

    The self-education revolution is one of the fastest growing industries in the world today. By 2025 it will be turning over 1 billion dollars a day.

    There has never been a better time to build a scalable course, especially with traditional jobs on the decline.

    The Story of how Creating Courses Transformed my Life...

    Write your awesome label here.

    Learn how to create offers that make your clients excited to whip out their card and pay you generously for your gifts and service.

    What you can expect as we dive in together
    Write your awesome label here.
    16 weeks of value packed outcome and results-driven content to get you creating like an experienced pro with personal feedback.

    Tariq EQ Amawi

    Tariq's ability to take complex skills and abstract ideas and break them down into easily understandable, actionable components is what sets him apart from others. He recognises that having skills is not the same as teaching them.

    Tariq spoke at TEDx where his public speaking career began in earnest in 2011. Since then, he has spoken at the Stockholm School of Economics in St. Petersburg, Bali Spirit Festival, Ancient Futures Festival in Bali, Freedom Fest in Australia and Freedom X Fest in Budapest. He also won 1st place in a national creative writing competition, 1st place in an international poetry slam with 32 other poets and a Man of The Year Award as an Inspirational Activist in 2013.

    Growing up Tariq was awarded a scholarship to the Royal college of music in London after teaching himself Spanish guitar. Tariq created his own movement gym in Bali called The Superhero Factory to teach children how to overcome their mental blocks through physical obstacles and has held transformational detox retreats all over the world with his partner and fiancee Channele. Tariq attributes his success to connecting with his true potential, a gift he is passionate about now giving others.

    He is currently inspiring thousands, building a new form of online school, as well as penning his debut sci-fi fantasy epic novel VesiVelar.


    You will have learn INSIDER SECRETS from 3 of the most heart-centred BOSS BABE multiple 6 figure entrepreneurs how they built their online empires through courses and containers. Condense their decades into days!

    Gina Swire

    The Self-Love Expert
    Gina Swire is an international self love expert, mentor and manifesting queen. She’s spent half a decade empowering women across the world to flip the script on self doubt. Featured in Cosmopolitan and interviewed on American talk shows, Gina’s on a mission to empower a billion women to fall deeply in love with themselves and create the life of their dreams. After struggling with her own self worth and image issues, Gina quit her career as a plus-size model at the height of her fame in order to embark on her journey of transformation. She now travels the world leading workshops, hosting retreats, coaching private clients, and speaking on stages from Burning Man to Bali. Her first book ‘PS I Love Me’ will be published later this year. Learn more about Gina and become part of the self love movement at www.ginaswire.com. With self love, anything is possible.

    Jenna Faye Madden

    Soul Meets Strategy
    Jenna Faye Madden is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, business and thought leader, and an entrepreneur.

    She is the CEO of Soul Meets Strategy® and specializes in guiding and supporting conscious entrepreneurs to activate their leadership and accelerate their business profitability to multiple 6 figures and beyond. 

    Her accessible and highly effective strategies have catapulted her mentees to new levels of embodiment and freedom resulting in not only dramatically improved wealth and income but also wider impact. 

    Ronja Sebastian

    Sensually Embodied Business
    Ronja Sebastian is a speaker, international event leader, and catalyst into limitless living bridging consciousness and awakening with next level business creation: creating more while doing less, and tapping into orgasmic manifestation.
    The past 11 years she has been speaking at highly acclaimed sell-out festivals around the world. She is the founder of the Ecstatic Awakening Retreat and the creator of the Deep Woman Immersion – Unwind | Unlock | Uplevel, Deep Woman Orgasmic Alchemy, the Limitless Meditation, the 22 Minutes of Bliss Experience and the Dream Beyond Mastermind Immersion, and is a facilitator at Unconventional Life and Authentic Relating Training International.

    Her message: We are limitless beings. You are love. Everything is possible.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Are there any hidden costs?

    I will show you both free ways to build your course using your smartphone, zoom and social media as well as more robust course creation experiences with camera and light recommendations, digital asset services, and platforms you can use. If you choose to do the latter, yes you will have to pay for those, though I've done all the research to bring you the best for price options.

    Will you build the course for us?

    I am here to show you how to build it yourself, all the do's and don'ts that I wish I was shown and a streamlined way to create a beautiful course that delivers high impact but doesn't eat up all your time. Having said that, it is you who has to actually build it.

    Do I need tech skills?

    Some basic tech skills of navigating webpages and learning your way around new platforms will be required yes, though I will show you the simplest ways that produce the best results that I have found.

    What does the guided mentorship look like?

    Once you have written, or recorded or structured your content, I will look over it, point out any glaring issues and give you pointers on what could be done to improve the end result from my years of writing and speaking training. 

    How big a difference can the right feedback make?

    I recently had a client who was struggling to sell her $5000 course. You might think it's because of the price, but it was actually in the way she was delivering on on her promo video. I gave her a few changes to make and she sold 3 courses within the next 10 days!

    Multiple Packages and Price-points available

    JOIN NOW and receive the course that's right for you!


    The price will go up after this launch!

    Receive everything you need to create a professional course and market and sell through your organic social media!

    Write your awesome label here.

    What is My Why?

    This might go deeper than you think. I hold an unshakeable, unwavering belief that we as humans were put on to this planet to experience joy and daily bliss and give from our gifts.

    We cannot, however, have that if we live our daily life in opposition with what makes us truly happy.

    There is nothing on this Earth that I know of that will make you feel more fulfilled than giving back and passing on your gifts, talents, skills and lessons of life in the form of service that eases and brightens the journey of others. Getting told 'thank you' or 'this changed my life' from people every day, will be one of the things that lights you up, fuels your drive and brings you an immense amount of satisfaction and purpose.

    Why is This My Why?

    My whole life society did its best to try and funnel me into acting more 'grown up', taking things more 'seriously' and being more 'realistic'.

    This made me utterly MISERABLE.
    I worked fulltime in one job selling computers wearing a purple uniform, which trapped me with a 'just-about-covers-the-bills' paycheck despite having a degree and masters.

    Then, when I got a job I actually LOVED: Lead Creative Strategist for an up and coming branding company outside London, I walked in one morning only to find that my boss who was a superb leader, was forced to resign, and the marketing manager (who quietly hated me for my skills) became my boss. 

    On his very first morning he called me into his office and handed me a sealed envelope. "What's this?" I asked.

    "Open it", he said.

    I pulled out a folded paper that said I was being made me redundant, and as my probation in the company wasn't yet complete, I missed out on all severance perks.

    What he didn't know was I moved out of my home the day before and was about to sign a contract for a new flat next to the office that same morning.

    So all of a sudden I had no job, no money and I was homeless. True story. This made me deeply question how I had given all my power away and how someone with my skills and potential wound up this way. 

    I realised the only I could stop this from ever happening again was to find a way to take back control over my own earning and hours and begin using my passions and gifts. It took me YEARS to get the formula right, doing odd guitar jobs, some personal training, consulting on design work etc. and I had peaks of success with long valleys of frustration and things not working and worrying how to stay afloat. 

    But I was determined NEVER to go back to having a job I didn't fully enjoy and so it became my mission to figure out how to make my passions sustainable.

    Now I live full-time from being myself and sharing what I've learned, creating lots of value and being a bridge for others to get where they want to go. I am extremely effective at getting results. I have never received more love and "Thank You's" from people everywhere than I do now and I would love for you to experience what this is like, because it IS possible and with a little guidance, even easy. 

    Turning your passions into programs will improve your finances, your health, your relationships and just about everything. And I can save you all those valleys and take you straight to the peaks. 
    Write your awesome label here.

    My Satisfaction Guarantee

    Come learn with me and create your own course using this highly effective formula. If you implement what I show you (not following the steps doesn't count) and living from your passions and talents and skills doesn't make you WILDLY HAPPIER, more rewarded and more prosperous, I will enrol you my next course, whatever the cost, for FREE, as a way of making it up to you.

    30 Day Money Back Guarantee

    I trust you are here with the intention to participate and play full out with the rest of us. I am known for producing results and will do my utmost for you to to experience a dramatic shift.

    If this were an automated course, I would offer a 'whatever your reason' money back guarantee. However, this is not an automated course, it is a personally guided one and it takes me time and energy to look over your content and make suggestions unique to you as I'm sure you can appreciate.

    So on that basis, If you can show my team you have:

    1.  completed and implemented at least 80% of the course
    2. acted upon my suggestions, advice and changes

    And are still unhappy with your experience and producing no tangible positive results internally or externally, I will GLADLY return your money in full within 30 days.
    Write your awesome label here.

    What Happens when I click 'Book Your Call Today'?

    Write your awesome label here.
    1. You will be taken to a page to schedule your call to discuss the best options and packages for you.

    2. If you choose to join Passions into Programs you will be sent the package options on the call and can choose the one that best fits your needs and budget.

    3. You will receive a confirmation email for your purchase with your login details. You will receive further emails during the next 10 days with the instructions for joining the private community in preparation for the start of the course.

    4. When the course officially starts you will receive emails prompting you to join both the lessons according to the tier you have opted for. You will have access to the learning portal and initial modules as soon as you have enrolled.

    Some ♥ love from previous students

    I would love to share the profound and phenomenal things that have happened in my life since doing Tariq's courses. I have been invited to write a foreword in a book. I have manifested becoming a best-selling author with a group of inspirational women and I recently received the opportunity to be interviewed by a local TV channel about my passions in life. 

    I can confidently say that Tariq's courses are worth 1000's of dollars. Take the leap and start the life of your dreams.
    Anne f matoke
    Just 4 days since I've started posting content on Instagram and the kind of feedback I have received is amazing! I received a call from my Dad's friend right after complementing me on my writing and storytelling and offered me to do content writing for his company!

    Jumping with joy with all the positive feedback!
    Tariq your course's value is way beyond the money we pay for.
    It covers so much ground in so many levels and you really go not only the extra mile but miles in your delivery for all and each of us. I'm telling all of my friends!
    Lisbeth Lyn azabache
    Write your awesome label here.
    Write your awesome label here.

    Join The next Enrollment!

    Tariq EQ Amawi

    Transformational Speaker, Writer, Course Creator, Entrepreneur
    Tariq is on a mission to help awaken, activate and actualise 1,000,000 people by reconnecting them to the truth of who they are, filling them with happiness, and giving them a practical path to live a high vibe, high-functioning life of synergy, serendipity and service.
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